
Showing posts from March, 2015

Wheat Aphids Abundant

Your's truly has on a leg cast for a broken foot and therefore has not spent any time in the field. However, Dr. Ed Bynum, Extension Entomologist in Amarillo, has just published a newsletter detailing abundant greenbugs and Russian wheat aphids in area wheat. He discusses scouting and thresholds.

Sugarcane Aphid: Insecticide News

There is good news on insecticides for sugarcane aphid. EPA, with a lot of work from the Texas Dept. of Agriculture, has granted a Section 18 for Transform in 2015. Additionally, Sivanto has just received a Section 2(ee) label for reduced rate use on sugarcane aphid. Details appear below. 1. Transform (Sulfoxaflor) Section 18 approved Dale R. Scott, Coordinator for Pesticide Product Evaluation and Registration, Texas Department of Agriculture, has just announced that a Section 18 Emergency Exemption has been issued for Transform (sulfoxaflor) for control of sugarcane aphids in Texas. The Section 18 Emergency Exemption became effective yesterday, February 26, 2015 and will expire on October 31, 2015. Several other states received the same authorization today as well. The authorization letter and Section 18 label have not been posted on the TDA website yet, but we will link to the documents when they are available.  The highlights of the Section 18 label are these: Use rate: 0.7...