Short High Plains Sugarcane Aphid Videos Posted
We have just posted nine short videos that encompass our 2015 - 2016 research results and experiences as a primer as we enter the 2017 season. Presenters are Katelyn Kesheimer, IPM Agent in Lubbock and Crosby counties, Blayne Reed, IPM Agent in Hale, Swisher and Floyd counties, Dr. Ed Bynum, Extension Entomologist in Amarillo, and Dr. Patrick Porter, Extension Entomologist in Lubbock. The videos present data from the Texas High Plains and may not be applicable elsewhere. 1. Aphid overwintering and seasonal abundance (3:41) 2. Early planting is a good idea (3:40) 3. "Resistant" sorghum hybrids and seed treatments (4:23) 4. First insecticide application threshold (3:03) 5. Insecticide application and product efficacy (8:46) 6. Timing of a second insecticide application (4:15) 7. Rate of damage with uncontrolled aphid populations (4:05) 8. Insecticides to prevent sticky harvest problems (5:56) 9...